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Oxandrolone 10 mg Rus Bio / 100 tabs

The product is extremely popular among power lifters, bodybuilders and other athletes and one of the reason why is so popular is because this steroid is considered very mild and in the same time effective – one of the reasons why Oxandrolone Rus Bio is extremely popular among women – one of the most used steroids by female steroid users (or maybe no. 1 steroid for females).

Exactly as all other steroids – originally it was designed to help people with some health conditions. It was used to treat osteoporosis and weight loss. Despite the fact that is a mild steroid, is very effective, so it is widely used by bodybuilders and got extremely famous, especially amongst newbies and female users.

Oxandrolone Rus Bio is a DHT derived oral anabolic steroid, with the trade name of Oxandrolone from Rus Bio Pharmaceuticals.

This product is considered to be the most powerful anti catabolic product among its category and therefore, while using Oxandrolone Rus Bio, the individual is going to reduce body fat cells in the time while maintaining current muscle mass.

What is Oxandrolone Rus Bio Used For? | How Does Oxandrolone Rus Bio Work?
Oxandrolone is a great muscle hardening product with amazing effects. This stuff used to be given to patients with various health conditions such as anemia, muscle wasting, weight losing patients, or other purposes such as osteoporosis and others. Nonetheless, nowadays is a great choice for bodybuilders and competitive athletes mainly used for cutting cycles.

That’s because this compound is having great fat burning properties in the time it can keep your muscle mass. It also might be used for lean bulking, which means that you would see muscle mass gains but this require much more time and the gains wouldn’t be as much. That’s because all the gains would be clean – alongside with a good gain in strength.

Oxandrolone Rus Bio is an oral anabolic steroid in the DHT family that has an anabolic : androgenic ratio of 322 – 630 : 24. As much as we can see, it has a great anabolic strength compared to androgenic strength. The product is increasing athletic performance, muscle gain as well as strength gain and helps to lose the unwanted water weight and body fat.

This product is an agonist of the androgen receptor and that’s close to different androgens like for example testosterone and DHT. This product is working by binding to the androgen receptors which are extremely important when it comes to lose weight and gain muscle mass. It improves metabolism, protein synthesis, offers a number of abilities required to lose weight and build more muscles and get more strength.

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