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YK-11 5 mg Rus Bio / 100 tabs

According to research, YK-11 Rus Bio is a myostatin inhibitor and works by attaching to muscle and bone tissue without affecting your internal organs. Because YK-11 inhibits myostatin, most individuals experience muscle cell growth when using YK-11. Research reports also attribute increased levels of follistatin to this well-known SARM.

All products currently listed on this site are for research purposes only and not for human consumption.

When you buy YK11 Rus Bio, you’ll receive 100 capsules ( 5 MG each) per order. When using our YK-11 SARM in your research, the recommended dosage is 5 mg twice daily for 6 weeks. YK-11 SARM is a myostatin inhibitor that greatly increases the potential for muscle growth. Despite only being discovered in 2011, it is quickly becoming one of the most powerful SARMs throughout the research community. Shop for YK11 for sale online at Paradigm Peptides today.

What is YK-11 Rus Bio SARM?
YK-11 is a SARM and a myostatin inhibitor. The word SARM is an acronym for the phrase selective androgen receptor modulators. These compounds typically work by attaching themselves to muscle and bone tissue without affecting internal organs negatively. The YK11 SARM Rus Bio inhibits myostatin, meaning that the body can then create more muscle cells and build up lean muscle mass. Myostatin’s primary function is to restrict muscle cell growth and differentiation. In blocking myostatin, obtaining fast gains becomes a reality.

Benefits of YK 11 SARM Rus Bio 
Many benefits are attributed to the use of YK11. Some of these benefits being muscle growth and hardening, increased levels of Follistatin, and fat loss. Because of the mechanism of YK 11 SARM Rus Bio , gains can be seen when proper dosages are used, and because of its efficacy, a high dose is not even necessary. Not only that, but users have also reported things like better endurance and strength accompanied by better blood circulation from taking YK 11 SARM Rus Bio capsules. But that is not even the best part. The best part of using YK 11 SARMs Rus Bio  to gain your muscles instead of a substance like anabolic steroids is that there are no known negative anabolic effects.

Recap of YK 11 SARM Rus Bio Benefits:

Lean Muscle Mass
Increase in Follistatin Production
Greater Fat Loss
Increased Strength and Endurance
Improved Blood Circulation
Side Effects of YK 11 SARM Rus Bio 
Side effects are not very common with YK 11 SARM Rus Bio ; however, some users have reported a few different side effects. Mild acne, which is more an inconvenience, was reported, along with increased aggression and some joint pain. Although these side effects are mild, it is recommended to seek medical attention if they persist or worsen. Some liver damage has been reported in rare cases but can be counteracted by using a liver support product. It is recommended to utilize a post-cycle therapy of either tamoxifen or clomiphene for a four-week duration after you complete a cycle of YK 11 SARM Rus Bio.

Recap of Side Effects:

Mild Acne
Joint Pain
Reversible Liver Impairment
Increased Aggression
YK-11 Dosage Information
As mentioned, because of the potency of YK-11 SARMs, you do not need a higher dosage to achieve efficacy. YK 11 is, however, known to have a half-life of twelve hours, so there are a couple of ways it has been taken, both of which are equally effective. In one scenario, it can be taken twice daily at 5mg per dose.

If you do not feel like playing with that idea or know you may forget the second dose, you can go for option number two. In option number two, rather than take two 5mg doses, you take a single dose of 10mg per day. This is the most common option among bodybuilders and workout aficionados. The YK11 SARM cycle itself is roughly eight weeks, with a PCT included at the end.

Because YK 11 SARM Rus Bio can cause some reversible testosterone suppression, it is important to remember to complete post-cycle therapy after each cycle. The post-cycle therapy regimen is recommended to last four weeks and can include either tamoxifen or clomiphene. Of the two, tamoxifen seems the most popular across the boards. When taking it as your PCT regimen, it is recommended at a dose between 25mg and 50mg, with the dosage starting on the higher side and then reducing as you complete your PCT.

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